Amazi Water
1540 Keller Parkway, Suite 108 PMB 30
Keller, TX 76248-1660
Stay connected with Amazi Water™ through email updates that share stories and opportunities for you to provide people in Burundi access to safe, clean water and the gospel.
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Amazi Water™ is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Contributions designated for specific projects are applied to those projects. No assessments are applied to gifts, with 100% of each dollar going to the project. If we receive more contributions for a given well project than can be wisely applied, then we use those funds to meet a similar pressing need.
Amazi Water
1540 Keller Pkwy Ste 108, PMB 309
Keller TX 76248-1660
Federal Tax ID Number:
EIN 47-4782701