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Amazi Water is a water charity and a vertically integrated, implementing water organization, constructing solar-powered, sustainable water projects. Amazi employs over 225 people, owns over 60 vehicles and drilling rigs, and operates from a new, secure headquarters compound in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Most non-profit water charities contract the drilling to separate for-profit companies. Not only is that an expensive process because the contractors are typically only hired for initial construction, but it also complicates the challenge of long-term sustainability, which is why about one-half of the hand-pump water wells constructed in Africa are not functioning. The Amazi Water strategy is different. By employing three repair and maintenance teams strategically located around Burundi, teams always keep at least 95% of all water projects fully operational.

See Where We Serve

Planned Well
Well Under Construction
Active Well
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