Bujumbura Floods
Flooding in Bujumbura
Here’s How You Can Help
Recent torrential rains have unleashed a catastrophic series of events, including flooding, mudslides, and severe damage to vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and dams. These disasters have not only claimed numerous lives but have also increased physical suffering and heightened the risk of waterborne diseases.
You can help provide lifesaving clean water to meet immediate critical needs during this crisis. $150,000 is needed immediately to serve 15,000 people in the most high-impact area with a custom-designed water system.
Give today to get water solutions underway, as flooding is expected to worsen in the coming days. Every $13 you give provides a person with a lifetime water supply.
A gift of:
- $91 gives 7 people a lifetime of clean water.
- $182 gives 14 people a lifetime of clean water.
- $2,600 gives 200 people a lifetime of clean water.
- $6,500 gives 500 people a lifetime of clean water.

More Ways to Give

Fund a Water Project
You can transform lives by providing a lifetime of access to safe, clean water for an entire community with gifts from $25,000.

You and your friends can raise money to fund a well, giving clean water to an entire community.