You can help bring water and hope
to ALL of Burundi.
Burundi is one of the most underdeveloped nations in the world. The lack of clean water there threatens lives and is a real barrier to education and economic opportunities. Women and children collect water where animals bathe and drink.
But you can help change that. Each $25 you give will mean one less child has to spend hours every day fetching water from a dirty pond or river where crocodiles and hippos might be lurking.
The water system you help make possible at an estimated cost of $50,000 profoundly transforms up to 2,000 lives.
Our founding donors share our vision to bring border-to-border water to Burundi. They’ve offered to cover our operating costs so that 100% of your first gift today will go directly to a solar-powered well project in one of two villages. We call this our 100% promise.
More than half of all people in Burundi’s rural areas still lack access to water. Their water is unbelievably dirty, but it’s all they have. So they use it for drinking, cooking and everything else. Your gift can change that for people.
Each $25 you give will mean one less child has to spend hours every day fetching water from a dirty pond or river where crocodiles and hippos might be lurking.
A $50,000 well provides a permanent water source for 2,000 people. That works out to $25 to provide clean water close to home for 1 person.

A $50,000 well provides a life-saving water source for 2,000 people.
That works out to $25 to provide clean water close to home for 1 person.
To send a check or credit card donation by mail, simply download and print this donation form
Federal Tax ID Number: EIN 47-4782701
Rena's Story:
My children go to sleep crying from thirst.

Rena’s story has a happy ending and is sure to inspire you. She said, “My children go to sleep crying from thirst.” Her house, pictured here, is located at the top of a steep slope. Every time it rained, the slope became too slick to haul the heavy containers she used to haul water from the stream to her house. Many nights, her children would cry from thirst. Rena felt helpless and overwhelmed. Here's the happy ending: Rena now has a well close to her home. Amazi Water has one driving purpose: to bring water and hope to the entire nation of Burundi by 2030. Just like we brought water to Rena and 1.6 million other people so far.
Today, when Rena’s family runs out of water, they walk a few yards, turn a tap, and get more! With plenty of water and more time on their hands, they recently planted a kitchen garden. Now she and her children have not only clean water close by, but more food, too. Children like this stay healthier, so they can get back to school. They can do their homework. Regain the innocence of childhood. Their future is so much more hopeful. But more than half of all people in Burundi’s rural areas still lack access to water. Their water is so dirty, but it’s all they have. So they use it for drinking, cooking and everything else. Each $25 you give will mean one less child has to spend hours every day fetching water from a dirty pond or river where crocodiles and hippos might be lurking.
The water system you help make possible at an estimated cost of $50,000 profoundly transforms up to 2,000 lives. Two communities are waiting for this lifesaving help, so we need to secure funding by November 15. Our founding donors share our vision to bring border-to-border water to Burundi. They’ve offered to cover our operating costs so that 100% of your gift today will go directly to a solar-powered well project in one of two villages. We call this our 100% promise. We are one-third of the way to our goal of bringing clean water to every thirsty community in Burundi by the year 2030. Today we are seeking 10 donors who will give so we can fund the two $50,000 water projects for our priority communities. With your help, no child in Burundi will have to drink from muddy puddles, rivers, or ponds again! Please consider a donation to give safe, clean water to as many people in two communities as possible? They will be forever grateful for this life-saving, safe, clean water. Click here to donate securely today and support this effort – 100% of every dollar funds projects.
NOTE: Children are often the ones hauling the water . . . standing in long lines in the grueling heat . . . suffering from waterborne illness again and again. Each $25 can help change one life for years to come with clean water close to home, and hope!